14 ‘Throw’ verbs in Spanish: RepR
oducing the results of a corpus linguistics study
Poppy Siahaan [pɔpi siahaʔan] is a lecturer at the Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Islamicate World at the University of Cologne. She has a keen interest in semantics, particularly metaphors, and studies the connections between language, culture, the body, and cognition, including speech-accompanying gestures. Recently, she has also been exploring the fascinating world of R
Poppy attended Elen Le Foll’s seminar “More than counting words: Introduction to statistics and data visualisation in R” (University of Cologne, summer 2024) as a guest student and wrote an earlier version of this chapter as part of this seminar. Elen contributed to the present revised version of this chapter.
Chapter overview
This chapter will guide you through the steps to reproduce the results of a published corpus linguistics study (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a) using R
The chapter will walk you through how to:
- Download the authors’ original data (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024b) and load it in
- Understand the structure of the data
- Wrangle the data to reproduce Tables 5 and 8 from Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a)
- Calculate the normalized frequencies as reported in Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a)
- Calculate the type/token ratios as reported in Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a)
- Compare our results with those printed in Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a)
- Visualize our results as line plots using {ggplot2} to facilitate the interpretation of the results
14.1 Introducing the study
In this chapter, we attempt to reproduce the results of a corpus linguistics study by Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a), published as a book chapter in a volume edited by Pfadenhauer & Wiesinger (2024). The study focuses on the development of five throw verbs in Peninsular Spanish: echar, lanzar, disparar, tirar, and arrojar (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a). These verbs have evolved into aspectual auxiliaries in inchoative constructions that convey the beginning of an event. Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) use historical data to trace the evolution of these verbs, and contemporary data to analyse their usage in micro-constructions. Below are examples of the five throw verbs in inchoative constructions (all taken from Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a).
- Los nuevos rebeldes se arrojaron a atacar al sistema de control social. (‘The new rebels started (lit. ‘threw/launched themselves’) to attack the system of social control.’)
- El niño abrió los ojos y echó a correr de regreso a su casa. (‘The child opened his eyes and started (lit. ‘threw’) to run back to his house.’)
- El grupo de investigación se lanzó a analizar otros parámetros. (‘The investigation group started (lit. ‘launched itself’) to analyse other parameters.’)
- Decidí no tirarme a llorar y empecé a buscar algo que me ayudara. (‘I decided not to start (lit. ‘throw myself’) to cry and I started to look for something that would help me.’)
- Y todos dispararon a correr, sin volver la cabeza atrás. (‘And everybody started (lit. ‘shot’) to run, without looking back.’)
Follow the study’s DOI link and read the abstract to learn about the study’s research focus.
Van Hulle, Sven & Renata Enghels. 2024. The category of throw verbs as productive source of the Spanish inchoative construction. In Katrin Pfadenhauer & Evelyn Wiesinger (eds.), Romance motion verbs in language change, 213–240. De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783111248141-009.
Q1. What is the main focus of this study?
Q2. According to the study, what semantic features help explain the connection between ‘throw’ verbs and inchoative constructions?
In this chapter, we will use the authors’ original data to reproduce Tables 5 and 8 (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 227, 232), as well as visualising the data with a series of informative line plots to facilitate interpretation.
14.2 Retrieving the authors’ original data
In the spirit of Open Science (see Section 1.1), Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) have made their research data openly accessible on the Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing):
Van Hulle, Sven & Renata Enghels. 2024. Replication Data for: “The category of throw verbs as productive source of the Spanish inchoative construction.” DataverseNO. Version 1. https://doi.org/10.18710/TR2PWJ.
Follow the link and read the description of the dataset. Next, scroll down the page where three different downloadable files are listed.
This is a text “file which provides general information about the nature of the dataset and how the data was collected and annotated, and brief data-specific information for each file belonging to this dataset” (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024b).Spanish_ThrowVerbs_Inchoatives_20230413.csv
This is a comma-separated file (see Section 2.5.1) which “contains the input data for the analysis, including the variables ‘AUX’, ‘Century’, ‘INF’ and ‘Class’, for the throw verbs arrojar, disparar, echar, lanzar and tirar” (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024b).Spanish_ThrowVerbs_Inchoatives_queries_20230413.txt
“This file specifies all corpus queries”that were used to download the samples per auxiliary from the Spanish Web corpus (esTenTen18), that was accessed via Sketch Engine, and from the Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE)” (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024b).
In corpus linguistics, it is often the case that corpora cannot be openly shared for copyright and/or data protection reasons. Instead, authors who strive to make their work transparent and reproducible can share details of the corpora that they analysed and of the specific corpus queries they used, so that the data that they share are only the results of the queries.
As we are interested in the frequencies retrieved from the corpora, we download the CSV file Spanish_ThrowVerbs_Inchoatives_20230413.csv
Q3. Where did the data for Van Hulle & Enghels (2024b)‘s study on the five Spanish ’throw’ verbs come from?
Q4. What does the term “false positive” refer to in the context of this study?
14.3 ImpoR
ting the authors’ original data
Before we can import the dataset, we need to load all the packages that we will need for this project. Note that you may need to install some of these packages first (see Section 4.4.2 for instructions).
# Loading required packages for this project
Next, we import the dataset containing the number of occurrences of ‘throw’ verbs in the corpora analysed in Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) (Spanish_ThrowVerbs_Inchoatives_20230413.csv
) as a new object called spanish.data
. You will need to adjust the file path to match the folder structure of your computer (see Section 6.5).
# Importing the Spanish verbs dataset
<- read.csv(file = here("data", "Spanish_ThrowVerbs_Inchoatives_20230413.csv"),
spanish.data header = TRUE,
sep = "\t",
quote = "\"",
dec = ".")
We check the sanity of the imported data by visually examining the output of View(spanish.data)
(Figure 14.1).
As you can see in Figure 14.1, the dataset contains 2882 rows (i.e., the number of occurrences of ‘throw’ verbs observed in the corpora) and 4 columns (i.e., variables describing these observations).
The readme file delivered with the data (0_ReadME_Spanish_ThrowVerbs_Inchoatives_20230413.txt
) describes the variables as follows:
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Spanish_ThrowVerbs_Inchoatives_20230413.csv
# Variable Explanation
1 AUX This column contains the inchoative auxiliary. [...]
2 Century This column contains the century to which the concrete example belongs.
3 INF This column contains the infinitive observed in the filler slot of the inchoative construction.
4 Class This column contains the semantical class to which the infinitive belongs, based on the classification of ADESSE. This lexical classification classifies Spanish verbs in semantic groups, which we adopted for the annotation (http://adesse.uvigo.es/data) (@ref García-Miguel & Albertuz 2005). [...]
To obtain a list of all the ‘throw’ verbs included in the dataset and their total frequencies, we use the familiar count()
function from {dyplr} (see Chapter 9).
spanish.data count(AUX)
1 arrojar 160
2 disparar 8
3 echar 1936
4 lanzar 680
5 tirar 98
As you can see, there are five ‘throw’ verbs in the dataset: echar, lanzar, tirar, arrojar, and disparar. The most frequent one is echar.
Q5. Which column in the dataset contains the general meaning of the verbs in the filler slot of the inchoative construction?
Q6. Which of the following verbs is classified under the semantic category ‘Desplazamiento’ (‘movement’)?
14.4 Token (absolute) frequency
According to Gries & Ellis (2015: 232):
“Token frequency counts how often a particular form appears in the input.”
In Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a), token frequency refers to the number of occurrences of combinations of ‘throw’ verbs and infinitives in inchoative constructions, as identified in the corpora queried for this study (see Section 14.2).
14.4.1 Creating a table of token frequencies
First of all, we want to find out how often each ‘throw’ verb was observed in each century. To do so, we use the count()
function to output the number of corpus occurrences for all possible combinations of the AUX
and Century
variables. Then, we pipe this output into an arrange()
command to order the rows of the table by the values of the Century
and AUX
columns (as shown in Table 14.1 below), prioritising the order of the Century
over the alphabetical order of the AUX
. This ensures that the centuries are ordered correctly from the 13th to the 21st century, rather than being jumbled. We store this summary table (see Table 14.1) as a new R
object called verbs.investigated
<- spanish.data |>
verbs.investigated count(AUX, Century, sort = TRUE) |>
arrange(Century, AUX)
Table 14.1 contains 26 rows and three columns, AUX
, Century
, both from the original dataset, and n
which contains the number of occurrences for each combination of the Century
and AUX
variables. For example, the verb echar occurs 32, 15, and 101 times in the corpus data from the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries respectively and so on.
AUX | Century | n |
echar | 13 | 32 |
echar | 14 | 15 |
echar | 15 | 101 |
tirar | 15 | 2 |
arrojar | 16 | 20 |
echar | 16 | 153 |
arrojar | 17 | 47 |
disparar | 17 | 3 |
echar | 17 | 95 |
arrojar | 18 | 16 |
echar | 18 | 40 |
tirar | 18 | 8 |
arrojar | 19 | 38 |
disparar | 19 | 1 |
echar | 19 | 500 |
lanzar | 19 | 55 |
arrojar | 20 | 11 |
disparar | 20 | 1 |
echar | 20 | 500 |
lanzar | 20 | 125 |
tirar | 20 | 7 |
arrojar | 21 | 28 |
disparar | 21 | 3 |
echar | 21 | 500 |
lanzar | 21 | 500 |
tirar | 21 | 81 |
We will now attempt to reproduce “Table 4: General overview of the dataset” (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 225), reprinted below as Table 14.2.
AUX | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total |
arrojar | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 47 | 16 | 38 | 11 | 28 | 160 |
disparar | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 8 |
echar | 32 | 15 | 101 | 153 | 95 | 40 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 1936 |
lanzar | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 125 | 500 | 680 |
tirar | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 81 | 88 |
Total | 32 | 15 | 101 | 173 | 145 | 56 | 594 | 644 | 1112 | 2872 |
To reproduce this table on the basis of the data provided by the authors, we begin by reshaping the data frame spanish.data
from long format to wide format using the pivot_wider()
function (see Section 9.7). This function takes the arguments “names_from” to specify which column is to provide the names for the output columns, and “values_from” to determine which column is to supply the cell values.
verbs.investigated pivot_wider(names_from = Century, values_from = n)
# A tibble: 5 × 10
AUX `13` `14` `15` `16` `17` `18` `19` `20` `21`
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 echar 32 15 101 153 95 40 500 500 500
2 tirar NA NA 2 NA NA 8 NA 7 81
3 arrojar NA NA NA 20 47 16 38 11 28
4 disparar NA NA NA NA 3 NA 1 1 3
5 lanzar NA NA NA NA NA NA 55 125 500
As you can see, this table includes a lot of NA
values for the verbs for which zero occurrences were found in certain centuries. To replace missing values (NA
) with a different value (here 0
to match Table 14.2), we can use the tidyverse function replace_na()
in combination with mutate()
. By applying this operation across(everything())
, we ensure that the modifications are performed on all columns. We pipe this output into the arrange()
function to order the rows of the table by the alphabetical order of the AUX
. This is important as we will later use token.data
to calculate the type/token frequency (see Table 14.11) for which we will merge token.data
with the types.wide
, which is also arranged by the alphabetical order of the AUX
<- verbs.investigated |>
token.data pivot_wider(names_from = Century, values_from = n) |>
mutate(across(everything(), ~ replace_na(., 0))) |>
# A tibble: 5 × 10
AUX `13` `14` `15` `16` `17` `18` `19` `20` `21`
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 arrojar 0 0 0 20 47 16 38 11 28
2 disparar 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 3
3 echar 32 15 101 153 95 40 500 500 500
4 lanzar 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 125 500
5 tirar 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 7 81
We now want to add the total number of verb occurrences in each row and column of our table, as in (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a, Table 4) (see also Table 14.2). We begin by calculating the total number of occurrences of each verb in token.data
. We therefore first select just the columns containing numeric values.
<- token.data |>
numeric_columns select(where(is.numeric))
# A tibble: 5 × 9
`13` `14` `15` `16` `17` `18` `19` `20` `21`
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 0 0 0 20 47 16 38 11 28
2 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 3
3 32 15 101 153 95 40 500 500 500
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 125 500
5 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 7 81
It is important that we specify that we only add the values in columns representing numeric variables because if we ask R
to do any mathematical operations with values of the AUX
variable, we will get an error message indicating that it is impossible to add up character string values!
Error in sum(token.data$AUX) : invalid 'type' (character) of argument
This is why we first created an R
object that contains only the numeric variables of token.data
: these are the columns that we will need to compute our sums. Next, we use the base R
function rowSums()
to calculate the total number of occurrences of each ‘throw’ verb across all corpus texts queried, from the 13th to the 21th century.
<- rowSums(numeric_columns) row_sums
We have saved the output of the rowSums()
function to a new object called row_sums
. This object is a numeric vector containing just the row totals.
[1] 160 8 1936 680 98
To check that these are in fact the correct totals, we can compare these row sums to the output of table(spanish.data$AUX)
(see also Section 14.3). As the numbers match, we can now use mutate()
to add row_sums
as a new column to token.data
<- token.data |>
token.data.rowSums mutate(Total = row_sums)
# A tibble: 5 × 11
AUX `13` `14` `15` `16` `17` `18` `19` `20` `21` Total
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 arrojar 0 0 0 20 47 16 38 11 28 160
2 disparar 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 3 8
3 echar 32 15 101 153 95 40 500 500 500 1936
4 lanzar 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 125 500 680
5 tirar 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 7 81 98
Now, let’s turn to the column totals. We can use colSums()
to calculate the total number of ‘throw’ verb occurrences in each century.
<- colSums(numeric_columns)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
32 15 103 173 145 64 594 644 1112
In the original paper, the row of totals is labelled “Total”. Furthermore, we also have a value representing the total number of verbs included in the dataset. Hence, the last row will be constructed as follows using the combine function c()
<- c("Total", column_sums, sum(row_sums))
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
"Total" "32" "15" "103" "173" "145" "64" "594" "644" "1112"
Again, we can check that we have not “lost” any verbs along the way by comparing the last value of total_row
with the number of observations in our original long-format dataset.
[1] 2882
Finally, we use rbind()
to append the total_row
vector to token.data
, creating a complete table with both row and column totals (Table 14.3).
If we now compare the values of the table in the published study (reproduced as Table 14.2) with Table 14.3 based on the authors’ archived data, we can see that the total number of ‘throw’ verbs is only 2872, suggesting that ten verb occurrences are somehow missing in the summary table printed in the published paper. In the data frame spanish.data
, these missing data points correspond to occurrences of the verb tirar, specifically two tokens from the 15th century and eight tokens from the 18th century (Table 14.3).
Since Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) focus their analyses on the other two verbs, echar and lanzar, this discrepancy is not particularly conspicuous. However, it suggests that the version of the dataset archived on TROLLing is not exactly the same as the one that the authors presumably used for the analyses presented in the 2024 paper.1
14.4.2 Visualising the absolute frequencies in a tabular format
As Van Hulle & Enghels (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 224) state,
“The searches in the databases of CORDE and esTenTen18 were exhaustive, but, for reasons of feasibility, only the first 500 relevant cases were included in the final dataset.”
That is, the corpus contains much more data than what the authors could feasibly investigate. For example, the verb echar appears 799 times in the 19th century texts, 1,641 times in the 20th texts, and 10,347 times in those from the 21st century. However, in their final dataset Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) included only 500 instances of echar in these centuries, as shown in Table 14.2 above.
To generate a table that includes the absolute token frequency in the corpus, similar to the “absolute token frequency” subsection of Table 5 in Van Hulle & Enghels (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 227), we need to modify the values of echar in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, and lanzar in the 21st century in verbs.investigated
that we previously created.
We use the mutate()
function to update specific columns and case_when()
to define the conditions of the changes. For example, if the verb echar appears in the AUX
variable and at the same time the value 19
is found in the Century
variable, then the cell value should be changed to 799, and so on. The formula TRUE ~ n
ensures that the original value is retained if no condition is met. The modified table is assigned to a new data frame object, which we name verbs.corpus
Next, we generate a contingency table with the altered values for those verbs by applying the pivot_wider()
function as in Table 14.3 above. The result is displayed in Table 14.4 below.
Show the R
code to generate the table below.
<- verbs.investigated |>
verbs.corpus # Modifying specific columns with mutate()
mutate(n = case_when(
== "echar" & Century == 19 ~ 799,
AUX == "echar" & Century == 20 ~ 1641,
AUX == "echar" & Century == 21 ~ 10347,
AUX == "lanzar" & Century == 21 ~ 7625,
AUX # Keep the original value if no condition is met
TRUE ~ n))
# Generating a contingency table with the altered verb values using pivot_wider()
<- verbs.corpus |>
verbs.corpus.wide pivot_wider(names_from = Century, values_from = n) |>
mutate(across(everything(), ~ replace_na(., 0))) |>
The difference between the corpus data (Table 14.4) and the final dataset (Table 14.3) is found only in echar in 19th, 20th, 21st, and in lanzar in 21st centuries. Following Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a), we will use the frequency of Spanish ‘throw’ verbs (stored as a data frame named verbs.corpus
) observed in the corpus (Table 14.4) to calculate the normalized frequency (see Table 14.7 below).
14.5 Normalized frequency
A normalized frequency is an occurrence rate adjusted to a common base, such as per million words (pmw), to allow comparisons across datasets of different sizes.
Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) analyse Spanish corpora from different centuries, using the Corpus Diacrónico del Español (CORDE) for the 13th to 20th centuries and the esTenTen18 corpus for the 21st century, accessed via the Sketch Engine platform. To compare frequencies from these varying-sized corpora, we need to normalize them to ensure that large frequencies are not simply due to the corpus being larger. Van Hulle & Enghels (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 227, footnote 2) explain:
The normalised token frequencies are calculated dividing the absolute token frequency by these total amounts of words, multiplied by 1 million. This number then shows how many times each micro-construction occurs per 1 million words, per century.
The formula for normalized frequency is as follows:
\[ normalized frequency = \frac{token frequency}{total words *1000000} \]
14.5.1 Visualising normalized frequencies in a tabular format
We will now attempt to reproduce the “Normalized Token Frequency” sections of Tables 5 and 8 from the published paper using the authors’ original data. For later comparison, the normalized frequencies as reported in Van Hulle & Enghels (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 227, 232)2 are reproduced in this chapter as Table 14.5.
AUX | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
arrojar | - | - | - | 0.4 | 1.23 | 1.11 | 0.89 | 0.19 | 0.01 |
disparar | - | - | - | - | 0.08 | - | 0.02 | 0.02 | 0.0008 |
echar | 4.09 | 2 | 4.43 | 3.07 | 2.49 | 2.76 | 18.7 | 27.96 | 2.91 |
lanzar | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1.31 | 2.15 | 2.14 |
tirar | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.12 | 0.02 |
The sizes of the corpora for each century are provided in Van Hulle & Enghels (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 227, footnote 12)3. We create a table of word counts for each century (Table 14.6) using the tibble()
function from the tidyverse, by concatenating (using the c()
function) the values of Words
and Century
and storing these as a new data frame named corpus_sizes
<- tibble(Century = c(13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21),
corpus_sizes Words = c(7829566, 7483952, 22796824, 49912675, 38083322, 14466748, 42726881, 58686214, 3554986755))
We will apply this formula to each verb for every century. First, we use the left_join
function from {dplyr} to combine two data frames, i.e. verbs.corpus
, which we used to create Table 14.4, and corpus_sizes
, which we just created (Table 14.6), based on the common Century
left_join(verbs.corpus, corpus_sizes, by = "Century")
AUX Century n Words
1 echar 13 32 7829566
2 echar 14 15 7483952
3 echar 15 101 22796824
4 tirar 15 2 22796824
5 arrojar 16 20 49912675
6 echar 16 153 49912675
7 arrojar 17 47 38083322
8 disparar 17 3 38083322
9 echar 17 95 38083322
10 arrojar 18 16 14466748
11 echar 18 40 14466748
12 tirar 18 8 14466748
13 arrojar 19 38 42726881
14 disparar 19 1 42726881
15 echar 19 799 42726881
16 lanzar 19 55 42726881
17 arrojar 20 11 58686214
18 disparar 20 1 58686214
19 echar 20 1641 58686214
20 lanzar 20 125 58686214
21 tirar 20 7 58686214
22 arrojar 21 28 3554986755
23 disparar 21 3 3554986755
24 echar 21 10347 3554986755
25 lanzar 21 7625 3554986755
26 tirar 21 81 3554986755
Next, we pipe the combined data frames into a mutate()
function to add a new column named normalized
and apply the formula (n / Words) * 1000000
to normalize the frequency. In a second step, we round the result to two decimal places.
left_join(verbs.corpus, corpus_sizes, by = "Century") |>
mutate(normalized = (n / Words) * 1000000) |>
mutate(normalized = round(normalized,
digits = 2))
AUX Century n Words normalized
1 echar 13 32 7829566 4.09
2 echar 14 15 7483952 2.00
3 echar 15 101 22796824 4.43
4 tirar 15 2 22796824 0.09
5 arrojar 16 20 49912675 0.40
6 echar 16 153 49912675 3.07
7 arrojar 17 47 38083322 1.23
8 disparar 17 3 38083322 0.08
9 echar 17 95 38083322 2.49
10 arrojar 18 16 14466748 1.11
11 echar 18 40 14466748 2.76
12 tirar 18 8 14466748 0.55
13 arrojar 19 38 42726881 0.89
14 disparar 19 1 42726881 0.02
15 echar 19 799 42726881 18.70
16 lanzar 19 55 42726881 1.29
17 arrojar 20 11 58686214 0.19
18 disparar 20 1 58686214 0.02
19 echar 20 1641 58686214 27.96
20 lanzar 20 125 58686214 2.13
21 tirar 20 7 58686214 0.12
22 arrojar 21 28 3554986755 0.01
23 disparar 21 3 3554986755 0.00
24 echar 21 10347 3554986755 2.91
25 lanzar 21 7625 3554986755 2.14
26 tirar 21 81 3554986755 0.02
Next, we remove the n
and Words
columns that we no longer need here by combining the minus operator -
and the select()
function to “unselect” these columns.
<- left_join(verbs.corpus,
corpus_sizes,by = "Century") |>
mutate(normalized = (n / Words) * 1000000) |>
mutate(normalized = round(normalized,
digits = 2)) |>
select(-c(n, Words))
AUX Century normalized
1 echar 13 4.09
2 echar 14 2.00
3 echar 15 4.43
4 tirar 15 0.09
5 arrojar 16 0.40
6 echar 16 3.07
7 arrojar 17 1.23
8 disparar 17 0.08
9 echar 17 2.49
10 arrojar 18 1.11
11 echar 18 2.76
12 tirar 18 0.55
13 arrojar 19 0.89
14 disparar 19 0.02
15 echar 19 18.70
16 lanzar 19 1.29
17 arrojar 20 0.19
18 disparar 20 0.02
19 echar 20 27.96
20 lanzar 20 2.13
21 tirar 20 0.12
22 arrojar 21 0.01
23 disparar 21 0.00
24 echar 21 2.91
25 lanzar 21 2.14
26 tirar 21 0.02
We reshape the data frame verb.normalized
from long format to wide format by replicating the pivot_wider()
function, which we used to create Table 14.2 and Table 14.4. The new column names will be taken from Century
. The values in the new column will come from normalized
. As earlier, we sort the rows of the data frame according to the alphabetical order of AUX
using arrange()
. We convert the output into a data frame format with the as.data.frame()
command and assign the output to normalized.wide
<- verb.normalized |>
normalized.wide pivot_wider(names_from = Century, values_from = normalized) |>
arrange(AUX) |>
AUX 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 arrojar NA NA NA 0.40 1.23 1.11 0.89 0.19 0.01
2 disparar NA NA NA NA 0.08 NA 0.02 0.02 0.00
3 echar 4.09 2 4.43 3.07 2.49 2.76 18.70 27.96 2.91
4 lanzar NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.29 2.13 2.14
5 tirar NA NA 0.09 NA NA 0.55 NA 0.12 0.02
Next, we use the is.na()
function to find all missing values (NA
) in the data frame normalized.wide
. We replace all these NA
values with a dash ("-"
) using the <-
is.na(normalized.wide)] <- "-" normalized.wide[
The result can be seen in Table 14.7.
Show the R
code to generate the wide table below.
# Use left_join to merge the dataframes
<- left_join(verbs.corpus,
corpus_sizes,by = "Century") |>
# Use mutate to create a new column with n divided by words
mutate(normalized = (n / Words) * 1000000) |>
mutate(normalized = round(normalized,
digits = 2)) |>
# Remove raw frequencies (n) and corpus sizes (Words)
select(-c(n, Words))
# Pivot to wide format and replace NAs with 0
<- verb.normalized |>
normalized.wide pivot_wider(names_from = Century, values_from = normalized) |>
arrange(AUX) |>
# replace NA with "-"
is.na(normalized.wide)] <- "-"
At this stage, it is important to note some differences between Table 14.7 and Table 14.5. Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) provided normalized frequencies for the three verbs arrojar, disparar and tirar only from the 16th until the 21st centuries, with no data for the 13th to 15th centuries. However, Table 14.7 shows the normalized frequency of tirar at 0.09 for the 15th century and 0.55 for the 18th century, filling in some missing data found in the dataset (Table 14.3). Additionally, there are slight differences in the normalized frequencies of lanzar for the 19th and 20th centuries, calculated as 1.29 and 2.13 based on TROLLing data and displayed in Table 14.7, compared to 1.31 and 2.15 in reported by Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) and displayed in Table 14.5.
Another point to note is the apparent discrepancy in the normalized frequency of the verb disparar. In Table 14.5, it is reported in the original paper as 0.0008 for the 21st century, while Table 14.7 displays it as 0.00. However, this difference is due to Table 14.7 using a two-digit format; when rounded to four digits, the value would indeed be 0.0008. Thus, this is not a true discrepancy.
14.5.2 Visualisation of the normalized frequencies as a line graph
We now visualize how the usage of Spanish ‘throw’ verbs in inchoative constructions has evolved from the 13th to the 21st century. Although such a visualization is not provided in Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a), it is mentioned in the dataset description Van Hulle & Enghels (2024b), and it can facilitate the interpretation of the changes in normalized frequencies documented in Table 14.7.
For a diachronic study based on corpus data, it is reasonable to choose a connected scatterplot, which is essentially a combination of a scatterplot and a line plot. Using the {ggplot2} package, this entails combining a geom_point()
layer on top of a geom_line()
layer. The connected scatterplot provides a visualisation that helps to identify the usage of the five ‘throw’ verbs in inchoative constructions over time.
Figure 14.2 is created using a ggplot()
function that takes the data frame verb.normalized
as its first argument and the aesthetics (aes
) as its second argument. For the aes
argument, we choose the Century
column for the x-axis and the column normalized
for the y-axis. Additionally, we specify two more optional aesthetics mappings in aes
: “color” and “group”. Both will be mapped onto the AUX
variable, meaning that each verb will be displayed in a different color, and the line will be grouped by each verb over time. We also add a scale_x_continuous()
layer ensures that the x-axis is labelled from the 13th to 21st century.
aes(x = Century,
y = normalized,
color = AUX,
group = AUX)) +
geom_point() + # Scatterplot points
geom_line() + # Connect points with lines
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 13:21) +
labs(title = "Normalized frequency of Spanish 'throw' verbs over time",
x = "Century",
y = "Normalized frequency (pmw)",
color = "Verbs") +
Figure 14.2 shows that the verb echar is the most frequently used verb as an inchoative auxiliary, appearing in the corpus since the 13th century, while the other verbs only began to appear from the 15th century (tirar), the 16th century (arrojar), the 17th century (disparar), and the 19th century (lanzar). According to Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a: 223), the verb echar “can be considered as the exemplary verb which opened the pathway for other ‘throw’ verbs towards the aspectual inchoative domain”. They further state, > “The relative token frequency increases remarkably in the 19th (n=18,70) and 20th (n=27,96) centuries, which can thus be defined as the time frames in which the micro-construction with echar was most frequently used. In the 21st century data, both micro-constructions appear with a comparable normalized token frequency in the corpus” (Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a)).
The normalized frequency graphic of Spanish ‘throw’ verbs in Figure 14.2 effectively illustrates the authors’ statement, providing a clear visual representation of how these verbs have evolved in usage over time.
14.6 Type frequency
Type frequency refers to the number of unique words that can appear in a specific position, or “slot,” within a particular grammatical construction. In the context of an inchoative construction, a specific slot refers to the position within the construction where an infinitive verb can occur.
For example, let’s look at the data in spanish.data (as shown in View(spanish.data) in the imported data, (see Figure 14.1). Here, we see a list of verb usages, with each row representing a token, or instance, of a verb in a sentence or construction. There are 15 rows, each representing a token of a verb in specific sentences.
If we focus on the verb lanzar, we can count a total of 7 tokens, meaning that lanzar appears 7 times in Figure 14.1 (in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 15th rows). However, among these tokens, lanzar pairs twice with hacer in an inchoative construction. Because hacer is repeated, this combination with lanzar is counted as only one type. Therefore, although we have 7 tokens (occurrences) of lanzar, we have only 6 unique types (distinct pairings) involving lanzar in the inchoative slot.
Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a: 226) state that one may generally assume “that a higher type frequency indicates a higher degree of semantic productivity. As such, it is likely that a construction with a high number of different infinitives will accept even more types in the future”. Thus, type frequency is an important measure of how productive and adaptable a pattern is.
14.6.1 Visualising type frequencies in a tabular format
We will now attempt to reproduce the type frequencies of Spanish ‘throw’ verbs as displayed in the two subtables (both labelled “type frequency”) of the original publication: one for echar and lanzar (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: Table 5) and the other for arrojar, disparar and tirar (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: Table 8). The values from these two subtables are reproduced in this chapter as Table 14.8.
AUX | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
arrojar | - | - | - | 16 | 34 | 13 | 32 | 10 | 27 |
disparar | - | - | - | - | 2 | - | 1 | 1 | 3 |
echar | 8 | 3 | 15 | 12 | 12 | 17 | 19 | 20 | 20 |
lanzar | - | - | - | - | - | - | 45 | 95 | 215 |
tirar | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 7 | 46 |
Based on the object spanish.data
(see Figure 14.1), which we created from on the TROLLing dataset Spanish_ThrowVerbs_Inchoatives_20230413.csv
, we can calculate the type frequency of each ‘throw’ verbs in inchoative construction (see Table 14.9). To achieve this, we first select the first three columns of spanish.data
, i.e. AUX
, Century
. The result is a long table with the three columns and 2,882 rows. We check the first six lines of the table using the head()
<- select(spanish.data, 1:3)
type.token head(type.token)
AUX Century INF
1 lanzar 21 llevar
2 echar 21 dormir
3 lanzar 21 probar
4 tirar 21 atacar
5 lanzar 21 hacer
6 lanzar 21 estudiar
We then calculate the number of unique combinations among these variables using the distinct()
function. We pipe the output into a group_by()
function, which allows us to group all the corpus occurences according to Century
and AUX
. Then, using the summarize()
function, we create a new column called Types
with the number (n)
of types corresponding to each combination of Century
and AUX
. We convert the output into a data frame format using as.data.frame()
and assign it to a new R
object called verb.types
<- type.token |>
verb.types distinct(Century, AUX, INF) |>
group_by(Century, AUX) |>
summarize(Types = n()) |>
We reshape the object verb.types
from long format to wide format using the pivot_wider()
function. The new column names will be taken from Century
. The values in the new column will come from Types
. We use mutate(across(everything())
to modify all columns at once. The modification entails replacing all missing values (NA)
with 0
using the replace_na
function. Next, we sort the rows of the data frame in the alphabetical order of the AUX
column using the arrange()
function. We assign the output to types.wide
<- verb.types |>
types.wide pivot_wider(names_from = Century, values_from = Types) |>
mutate(across(everything(), ~ replace_na(., 0))) |>
The result is displayed as Table 14.9.
Show the R
code to generate the table below.
# Selecting the first three columns of spanish.data
# Creating a type frequency table labelled as type.token
<- select(spanish.data, 1:3)
# Calculating distinct combinations of Century, AUX, and INF using the distinct() function
# Grouping data by Century and AUX using the group_by() function
# Creating a new column Types with the summarize() function,
# Returning the count (n) for each group
<- type.token |>
verb.types distinct(Century, AUX, INF) |>
group_by(Century, AUX) |>
summarize(Types = n())
# Converting verb.types to a data frame using the as.data.frame() function
<- as.data.frame(verb.types)
# Using the pivot_wider() function to create a contigency table
<- verb.types |>
types.wide pivot_wider(names_from = Century, values_from = Types) |>
mutate(across(everything(), ~ replace_na(., 0))) |>
# Printing the table in elegantly formatted HTML format
Here, too, we observe several discrepancies between Table 14.9 and Table 14.8. The discrepancies involve the type frequencies of echar for the 19th and 20th centuries, reported as 19 and 20 in the original paper, and of lanzar for the 19th century, originally reported as 45 (Table 14.8). Other discrepancies include the type frequencies of the verb tirar in the 15th and 18th centuries, which are two and seven according to the TROLLing data, but both reported as zero in the published study (see also Table 14.2).
14.6.2 Visualisation of the type frequency as a line graph
Using the type frequency data that we calculated above (see Table 14.9), we can largely recycle the ggplot()
code that we used to create Figure 14.2.
Show the R
code to generate the graph below.
# Using the ggplot() function with the dataframe verb.types
# The y-axis represents the type frequency
aes(x = Century,
y = Types,
color = AUX,
group = AUX)) +
geom_point() + # Scatterplot points
geom_line() + # Connect points with lines
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 13:21) +
labs(title = "Productivity of Spanish 'throw' verbs over time",
x = "Century",
y = "Type frequency",
color = "Verbs") +
The connected scatterplot displayed in Figure 14.3 provides a visualisation that helps identify the productivity of the five ‘throw’ verbs in inchoative constructions with respect to their type frequency.
As Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a: 226) state:
“In general, it is assumed that a higher type frequency indicates a higher degree of semantic productivity. As such, it is likely that a construction with a high number of different infinitives will accept even more types in the future. In this sense, type frequency constitutes an important parameter to measure the extending productivity of a construction”.
However, we should interpret this graphic carefully, keeping in mind that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Notably, there is almost no data for disparar, which raises the question: in the real world, is this verb rarely used in an inchoative construction, or are there simply no examples in the corpus?
Q7. Which line of code can you add in the ggplot()
code above to change the color scheme of the line graph in Figure 14.3 to a color-blind friendly one? Click on “Show the R
code to generate the graph below.” to see the code for Figure 14.3.
Q8. Alternatively, we could opt for a black-and-white solution like below. How can we adapt the ggplot()
code from Figure 14.3 to achieve this?
14.7 Type/token ratio (TTR)
As stated by Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a: 226), the “type/token ratio measures the realized productivity” of each verb. Furthermore,
since type frequency depends to some extent on token frequency (the more tokens, the more opportunities for different types to occur), the two must be put into some kind of relationship. The simplest measure suggested in the literature is the type/token ratio […] (Stefanowitsch & Flach 2017: 118)
Type/token ratios (TTR) can range from zero and one. A TTR of zero indicates that there are no examples of the type in the given occurrences, while a TTR of one signifies that all types are unique to those given occurrences.
\[ TTR = \frac{types}{tokens} \]
As type/token ratios depend on corpus size, Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a: 227) explain that:
“To be representative, the measures of type/token and hapax/token ratio are calculated on a maximum of 500 tokens per auxiliary. Specifically, for echar in the 19th, 20th and 21st century and for lanzar in the 21st century, token frequency is reduced to 500.”
14.7.1 Visualising type/token ratios in a tabular format
We will now attempt to reproduce the type/token ratio of Spanish throw verbs based on two subtables (both labelled “type/token ratio”): one for echar and lanzar (Table 5 from Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 227) and the other for arrojar, disparar and tirar (Table 8 from Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 232), which are reproduced in this chapter as Table 14.10.
AUX | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
arrojar | - | - | - | 0.8 | 0.72 | 0.81 | 0.84 | 0.91 | 0.96 |
disparar | - | - | - | - | 0.67 | - | 1 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
echar | 0.25 | 0.2 | 0.15 | 0.08 | 0.13 | 0.43 | 0.04 | 0.04 | 0.04 |
lanzar | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0.8 | 0.75 | 0.43 |
tirar | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1.00 | 0.57 |
To calculate type/token ratios, we first create two matching wide tables, one for the token frequencies, and another for the type frequencies. We can use the wide table labelled token.data
from Table 14.3, and the wide table labelled types.wide
from Table 14.9 as they are ordered in exactly the same way (you can check this by comparing their structures using the str()
First, we create a new data frame using the data.frame()
function. This data frame will take its first column from token.data
, which contains the auxiliary verbs (AUX
). We access this column using token.data[, 1]
Next, we calculate the type/token ratio. This is done by dividing the numeric values in types.wide
(i.e., all columns except the first) by the corresponding values in token.data
. To this end, we use the notation types.wide[, -1] / token.data[, -1]
. The [, -1]
indicates that we take all columns except the first one. We exclude the first column because it contains non-numeric values (the AUX
Finally, we combine these components into our new data frame. We include the AUX
column as the first column by selecting it with the command token.data[, 1]
. To ensure that the column names remain unchanged, we set check.names = FALSE
in the data.frame()
function. This prevents R
from altering the original column names, keeping them exactly as they are in token.data
. We also round()
the values of all numeric columns to just two decimals.
data.frame(token.data[, 1],
-1] / token.data[, -1],
types.wide[, check.names = FALSE) |>
mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, digits = 2))
AUX 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 arrojar NaN NaN NaN 0.80 0.72 0.81 0.84 0.91 0.96
2 disparar NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.67 NaN 1.00 1.00 1.00
3 echar 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.08 0.13 0.42 0.04 0.04 0.04
4 lanzar NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.80 0.76 0.43
5 tirar NaN NaN 1.00 NaN NaN 0.88 NaN 1.00 0.57
Our table contains a lot NaN
values. In these cells of the table, the number of tokens was zero and, as a consequence, the number of types was also zero. As it is mathematically impossible to divide zero by zero, R
returns NaN
values instead. To replace these NaN
values to dashes ("-"
) to match the formatting of the published tables, we use the base R
function is.na()
<- data.frame(token.data[, 1],
-1] / token.data[, -1],
check.names = FALSE) |>
mutate(across(where(is.numeric), round, digits = 2))
is.na(type.token1)] <- "-" type.token1[
The result is saved as type.token1
and is displayed below as Table 14.11.
Comparing Table 14.10 and Table 14.11, we find some minor discrepancies between the type/token ratios presented in the published paper and those calculated on the basis of the TROLLing data. The type/token ratio of the verb tirar in the 15th and 18th centuries, are reported as 0 and 0 in the published paper (see also Table 14.10), but as 1 and 0.88 in Table 14.11. These differences correspond to the discrepancies already identified when calculating the token frequencies (see Section 14.4.1).
The other (very minor) discrepancies involve the type/token ratio of lanzar for the 20th century, reported as 0.75 in Table 14.10 but as 0.76 in Table 14.11 and echar in the 18th century, reported as 0.43 (see Table 14.10), while Table 14.11 displays it as 0.42. These differences arise from the fact that Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) presumably did not use R
for their calculations. The type/token ratio of echar in the 18th century is actually 0.4250, which is rounded as 0.43 by Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a), but as 0.42 by R
(see Table 14.11). This somewhat confusing rounding behaviour is explained in the help file of the round()
“Note that for rounding off a 5, the IEC 60559 standard (see also ‘IEEE 754’) is expected to be used, ‘go to the even digit’. Therefore
. However, this is dependent on OS services and on representation error (since e.g.0.15
is not represented exactly, the rounding rule applies to the represented number and not to the printed number, and soround(0.15, 1)
could be either0.1
14.7.2 Visualising the type/token ratios as a line graph
For the visualisation of the type/token ratios (Figure 14.4), we create a new data frame. We start by merging the data frames verbs.investigated
and verb.types
using the left_join()
function, ensuring that the Century
and AUX
variables are aligned. This results in a single data frame, which we save as type_token
<- left_join(verbs.investigated, verb.types,
type_token by = c("Century", "AUX"))
Next, we calculate the type/token ratios by adding a new column, TypeTokenRatio
, to the type_token
data frame using the mutate()
function, which applies the type/token ratio formula to each row. Finally, we use the arrange()
function to sort the data by Century
and AUX
organizing the results chronologically by Century
and alphabetically by the verb type (AUX
<- type_token |>
type.token.ratio mutate(TypeTokenRatio = Types / n) |>
arrange(Century, AUX)
The output is a table with 26 rows and five columns: AUX
, Century
, n
, and Types
and TypeTokenRatio
. We can display the first six rows of the table using the head()
AUX Century n Types TypeTokenRatio
1 echar 13 32 8 0.25000000
2 echar 14 15 3 0.20000000
3 echar 15 101 15 0.14851485
4 tirar 15 2 2 1.00000000
5 arrojar 16 20 16 0.80000000
6 echar 16 153 12 0.07843137
Now we can use the type.token.ratio
data frame with the same ggplot
code that we used to create Figure 14.2 and Figure 14.3, allowing us to visualize the type/token ratios of Spanish ‘throw’ verbs over time as Figure 14.4.
Show the R
code to generate the table below.
aes(x = Century,
y = TypeTokenRatio,
color = AUX,
group = AUX)) +
geom_point() + # Scatterplot points
geom_line() + # Connect points with lines
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 13:21) +
labs(title = "The productivity of Spanish 'throw' verbs over time",
x = "Century",
y = "type/token ratio",
color = "Verbs") +
According to Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a), the verb lanzar is considered the “most productive auxiliary” due to its high type/token ratio values, despite only appearing from the 19th century onward, and because it “was able to incorporate a more varied set of infinitives” (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 228). In contrast, the type/token ratio for echar is comparably low. However, as Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a: 228) state:
“[…] the type/token ratio for the micro-construction with echar is quite stable until it considerably drops from the 19th century on (n=0.04). This means that, although speakers used the construction more frequently, this was mainly done with a limited group of infinitives […]”
Additionally, the verbs disparar and tirar have a type/token ratio of one for the 19th and 21st centuries, and the 15th and 20th centuries, respectively. This is due to the high hapax value, i.e., “the number of types that appear only once in a text or corpus” for the respective verbs (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 226). In the cases of disparar and tirar, each hapax refers to only one occurrence.
The above plot (Figure 14.4) shows more clearly that arrojar, not lanzar, is actually the most semantically productive verb. When compared with echar, as the authors of the published paper have done, lanzar does indeed appear more semantically productive. However, as Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) note, “type/token ratio measures the realized productivity.” Based on this measure, arrojar is even more productive than lanzar, as this graphic (Figure 14.4) clearly illustrates. Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a) do not provide such a visualization, but this chapter has shown that it can aid in interpreting the realized productivity measured by the type/token ratio.
Q9. What issue arises when interpreting the productivity of Spanish ‘throw’ verbs over time on the basis of Figure 14.4?
Q10. Based on the type/token ratios displayed in Figure 14.4, which ‘throw’ verb appears to be the least productive one?
Q11. Based on the type/token ratios displayed in Figure 14.4, which ‘throw’ verb appears to be the most productive one since the 19th century?
14.8 Conclusion
You have successfully completed 0 out of 11 quiz questions in this chapter.
This chapter attempted to reproduce the results of a corpus linguistics study that explores the evolution of five throw verbs in Peninsular Spanish (echar, lanzar, disparar, tirar, and arrojar) into aspectual auxiliaries in inchoative constructions that express the beginning of an event. The authors of the original study, Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a), used historical and contemporary data to analyse the development and usage of these verbs, making their research data openly accessible. As part of this chapter, we identified some discrepancies between the results we obtained on the basis of the authors’ data (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024b) and those published in the 2024 study, indicating that the version of the dataset uploaded onto TROLLing does not exactly match the one used for the published results.
We have also created some new data visualizations based on the authors’ uploaded data, which uncover patterns in the evolution of Spanish inchoative constructions that might not be immediately apparent through the examination of the tabular results alone. These visualizations underscore the effectiveness of graphical representation as a tool for understanding linguistic shifts over time—an approach not employed in the original study.
This is a case study chapter of the web version of the textbook “Data Analysis for the Language Sciences: A very gentle introduction to statistics and data visualisation in R” by Elen Le Foll.
Please cite the current version of this chapter as:
Siahaan, Poppy. 2024. ‘Throw’ verbs in Spanish: RepRoducing the results of a corpus linguistics study. In Elen Le Foll (Ed.), Data Analysis for the Language Sciences: A very gentle introduction to statistics and data visualisation in R. Open Educational Resource. https://elenlefoll.github.io/RstatsTextbook/ (accessed DATE).
[1] S. T. Gries and N. C. Ellis. “Statistical Measures for Usage-Based Linguistics”. In: Language Learning 65.S1 (2015). _eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/lang.12119, p. 228–255. ISSN: 1467-9922. DOI: 10.1111/lang.12119. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/lang.12119.
[2] K. Pfadenhauer and E. Wiesinger, ed. Romance motion verbs in language change: Grammar, lexicon, discourse. De Gruyter, Jul. 2024. ISBN: 978-3-11-124814-1. DOI: 10.1515/9783111248141. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783111248141/html.
[3] A. Stefanowitsch and S. Flach. “The corpus-based perspective on entrenchment”. In: Entrenchment and the psychology of language learning: How we reorganize and adapt linguistic knowledge. Ed. by H. Schmid. De Gruyter, 2017, p. 101–127. ISBN: 978-3-11-034130-0 978-3-11-034142-3. DOI: 10.1037/15969-006. https://content.apa.org/books/15969-006.
[4] S. Van Hulle and R. Enghels. Replication Data for: “The category of throw verbs as productive source of the Spanish inchoative construction. DataverseNO, V1.”. 2024. DOI: 10.18710/TR2PWJ. https://dataverse.no/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.18710/TR2PWJ.
[5] S. Van Hulle and R. Enghels. “The category of throw verbs as productive source of the Spanish inchoative construction”. In: Romance motion verbs in language change. Ed. by K. Pfadenhauer and E. Wiesinger. De Gruyter, Jul. 2024, p. 213–240. ISBN: 978-3-11-124814-1. DOI: 10.1515/9783111248141-009. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783111248141-009/html.
Packages used in this chapter
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[49] svglite_2.1.3 compiler_4.4.1 markdown_1.13
Package references
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We contacted the first and corresponding author of the paper. They responded and confirmed that these discrepancies were likely due to small changes that were made to the dataset that was ultimately used in the analyses published in Van Hulle & Enghels (2024a). These changes were deemed necessary when either additional occurrences of inchoative constructions were found in the corpora, or false positives (i.e. occurrences of ‘throw’ verbs that did not enter such constructions) were later identified in the dataset. The author did not provide us with the final dataset that was used in the reported analyses.↩︎
The normalized frequencies of echar and lanzar are found in Table 5 (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 227), whilst those for arrojar, disparar and tirar are displayed in Table 8 (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 232). Note that in Tables 5 and 8 (Van Hulle & Enghels 2024a: 232) all values are rounded off to two decimal places except the normalized frequency of disparar in the 21st which is reported as “0.0008”.↩︎
Note that we cannot copy the word counts directly from the paper, as the authors use the continental European format with the dot
as the thousand-separator and the comma(,)
as a decimal point (e.g., 7.829.566 for the 13th century). InR
, however, the dot is interpreted as a decimal separator so entering7.829.566
will generate an error:7.829.566
↩︎unexpected numeric constant in "7.829.566"
Remember that, in base
, the notation[x, y]
allows us to specify rows and columns in a data frame, wherex
refers to the row andy
refers to the column (see Section 7.3). For example,token.data[, 1]
means we are selecting all rows from the first column oftoken.data